Thursday, August 28, 2008

more trip pics

Sorry guys, no "real" post today. Not feeling too well today so hope the pics will suffice for now. I took so many on our trip that it took two posts to get them all in. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Jolyn said...

So adorable. Does Heidi know how lucky she is to have a sister posting her life for her so we're not bugging her to?? (Heidi, you there? START A BLOG!)(Ok, so I guess I bugged you after all)

This is completely random, but to my natural remedy family -- Olivia has woken up the last two nights in pain because she says it hurts where she pees. But she is totally fine during the day. Any ideas? (UTI?) I googled but didn't find anything helpful. If it happens again tonight I may take her to the ER tomorrow...

Hope you are recovering yourself, Hannah.