Wednesday, December 17, 2008

the verdict is in

So, I believe I have to keep the most meaningful dresses and pass the rest on. Thanks for the input everyone.

My husband is one of the cheapest people I know. That isn't always a bad thing. He keeps things until they are absolutely broken or unusable. For instance...his cell phone. He got it when he got his very first cell phone plan in the fall of 2005. He uses about 75 minutes a month so, as you can see, it doesn't get used that often. When the screen started to go out on it about a month ago, he thought it would be a good idea to get a new one. Today was "the day" for a new phone. He was, of course, eligible for a $150 upgrade. As it turns out, my two and a half year old phone was also eligible for an upgrade! Yippee! So we payed for new phones and sent out the rebate for the entire purchase and essentially got free phones today. And, as you all know, I love free things. All we paid was tax...$8 or so. Then we spent the rest of the afternoon trying to figure out how they work and setting all the features. I bet Daniel or Nathan could have figured it out in half the time it took us, but for some reason we are a bit technologically impaired.

Shopping is stress relief for me much to my husband's dismay. I have been known to spend half a day shopping just to take everything back the very next day. Today I spent two hours at the mall Christmas shopping and left with two gifts..... for other people. I didn't have much of a plan when I got there, but believe it or not, I was a little less stressed when leaving. The mall wasn't a mad house today, thankfully. Now, only two more gifts to go! Happy Holidays :)

What is stressing me? Thanks for asking. This is a science lesson. If you read up on the chances of getting pregnant after losing a fallopian tube to an ectopic pregnancy, it is considerably decreased. I guess 50%....but, this isn't what I was told after surgery. I still have two ovaries, just one tube. Did you know that you can ovulate up to three times in a row on one side alone? I think this is all very fascinating. I have a new appreciation and empathetic feeling for women who struggle with infertility. The Holthus woman has always been very fertile though. I was not surprised that I got pregnant the very first try this summer. But, one less tube decreases fertility. I pray for patience and, of course, fertility....what else can I do? It is what it is and will happen when the timing is right.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

(((HUGS))) What an odd day for us, Hannah. You're thinking about the science of getting pregnant after losing a tube, and I'm happy about my husband getting two of his 'tubes' cut. :(

You guys are always in my thoughts. And I'm praying that a special baby (or more!) makes their way to your world at the absolute perfect time. Please though - have fun trying. :) Lots of fertility vibes coming your way, my friend.

I'm glad to hear you are keeping some of the dresses. Remember that time you let me help you sew on beads to that wedding dress? I felt like such a rockstar! (And it isn't even one you could keep...bummer! I'd buy it from you!)