Friday, February 5, 2010

just completely numb to it all

And just when I thought that the plumbing was our only issue.....

Scott discovered TERMITES!!!!!!!

The plumbers have been here for two weeks now. And, Organic Pest Services are on their way as I write to bomb the termites. Even though the chemicals are supposed to be non-toxic and organic, I think I will take Baby R to run errands.

I think that Monday will be the last day of this chaos. I want my house and life back.

I just have to take deep breaths and pretend that I don't notice that my house if falling down around me. At least BabyR will have a nice fresh room to live in upon arrival.

1 comment:

Jerilyn said...

Oh Hannah! How well you've hung in there. I hope it's all back in order soon. You've done such a great job of coping with it all.