Sunday, July 19, 2009

BSA Awareness

BSA is the group I just created (in my head). Stands for BLOG STALKERS ANONYMOUS.

I am a blog stalker. Seriously, it has become a problem. It makes me wonder who is really watching me.

But, I have found many blogs lately for women who are dealing with infertility. I have decided NOT to categorize myself as infertile. In fact, I am very fertile! Got pregnant on the first try. I think my baby is just waiting on the perfect time to come though! I do have several friends who are going through it right now and I am sure there are so many other women out there too. I think that I am especially sensative because I work with women who place their babies with families who really are unable to have children. What a gift! I am not sure I could have the courage to do such a brave thing.

Anyway, I stalk read a blog written by a mom in NW Arkansas who had struggles with fertility. She has a blog giveaway for this book. Go to her BLOG to enter!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I am coming over from Jenna's Journey and I saw your comment on her blog. I struggle with infertility and we have had many failed IUI's and one failed IVF. I wish you the best of luck on your journey to become a mommy.