Tuesday, October 20, 2009

bugs and supplements

What is really funny is that I was watching one of the morning shows before heading off to work this morning and they were showing how to avoid the flu. The masks we are wearing in the picture below were used as examples. The man even put mine on as a demo! Then I left work early because I wasn't feeling well. How ironic.

It isn't the flu, just a little bug. I am sure that I will feel better in no time. In the meantime, Scott is taking great care of me and I have been loading up on vitamins and special immunity teas. I was one of the only people at work to forfeit the free flu shots for me and my family. No thank you.

In other exciting news, Scott (my supplement MAN) has found a new supplement that he has become a huge fan of and has even gone to training to become a rep for the product. Even after working for a vitamin store and trying tons of products in his life, he thinks this is the best one he has ever tried. And believe me, he has tried many! It is a glutathione accelerator. Glutathione is the most prevalent anti-oxidant in body. After the age of 20 years old, your body stops producing as much of it because of increased stress, environmental pollution, poor diet, etc. The result from taking the supplement can vary from person to person, but I can already tell a huge difference in the hubby! He isn't taking naps in the afternoon between shifts at the gym and he isn't drinking as much coffee to get going like he had been. And, this has just been in the past three weeks. Plus, I have noticed a big change in him motivation to work and help me out at home more too! Yay! I am a believer now, that is for sure!


Jolyn said...

That seriously sounds like something I might want to try, and I am awful about taking anything. What is it called and where do you find it and how much does it cost?

Hannah said...

It it called MaxGXL. You can check it out at the website at www.maxgxl.com. Scott has been sending a weeks worth of samples to people, and if they like it, he can help you get an order set up for it. I am sure that if I were taking it too, I wouldn't have a bug. He has heard some incredible testimonies of its immune building qualities. It has also helped people with asthma, infertility, and many other ailments. It really is a great product.

Send us an email at scottandhannah@gmail.com and include your address if you want him to send you a sample.

Lori said...

yeah! We take Briar Rose, elder berry and vitamin D for immunity boosters.

I'm Sara. said...

Thanks for the message on my blog :). I'm not very faithful about updating it, so it's extra exciting when I know someone is reading.:) Brett is finishing his master's of business program and working full time,but will graduate in July. Once he graduates we plan on building a house! :) How are ya'll?