Do you ever look back and wonder about things? I had the realization this morning, four months later, that I can hear everything that goes on outside our bedroom wall. Our house is 50 years old and currently the walls are not insulated. Well, LB's room has been insulated since January when we had the pipes fixed and the termite issue taken care of. Scott had to tear out the walls and start over so we decided to start there. But the walls are paper thin everywhere else. I can always hear our neighbors taking the trash to the curb, getting in their car, and even talking to people that come to their door. So, it makes me really hope that on June 16th they weren't convening out in their driveway listening to me labor. I was sitting on a birth ball under the window that looks into their driveway sounding like a cow giving birth. Well, they haven't moved away yet, but then again, we haven't really talked with them a whole lot either. Not that we talked a lot before. We are obviously the weirdest people on the block. As you can remember from the post in March 2009 when I was watching The Business of Being Born and paused it on the most unimaginable horrific birth scene from the 50's to answer the door to our other neighbors at 10:00 at night while Scott was away on a basketball trip. Yes, they were a bit horrified. We haven't spoken to them since either. And, yes, I guess we are a little "weird". That's okay. I would rather be weird and authentic than be mainstream and fake.
Update on Little Bubs:
He now has two bottom teeth.
He has been standing (with assistance) since 2 1/2 months - that boy is so very strong.
Favorite Food: Mommy's milk
Favorite place to go: Central Market
Favorite time of day: Right when he gets up. He is so smiley and giggly (he is that way a lot anyway though, but especially in the mornings)
Activities: nature walks, sewing with Mom, singing nursery rhymes, playing in the walker, kissing Mommy and Daddy, helping Mommy around the house
2 years ago
I know I don't comment often but I do love your updates. Eli is just the cutest baby boy! He looks so grown up!
I did not read your entire blog, but I was encouraged by what you discussed by saying "Eli, doesn't need alot of stuff". I believe that is so true. I used to save the colored caps on just about everything.... the bigger cap the better. They can finger them when they are little or sort them when they get older. Pots and pans were a great drum set. Homemade edible clays are great....when they get a little older than Eli. Maybe now if you are by his side and he is not allergic to anythingin the recipe. The empty oatmeal with the lid on it is a great drum also. You go girl...get creative and keep taking lots of pics. Susan/Ohio :)
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