Sunday, August 15, 2010


My husband and son have the cutest most wonderful chats with each other and I am jealous. Today was the first day that Little Bubs really started talking to me too. I know he was getting so used to Daddy being around all the time and then we went to Colorado and the day after he and I got back from being gone from Daddy for so long, Daddy started his new job. His eyes get really big and he gets the cutest grins when Daddy comes home from work and they sit and visit.

Lost the paci at nap time, but was very excited to find his finger to suck instead. It sufficed.
I can make dinner while he sleeps, although it takes me twice the time. But, at least he is happy and content close to Mommy.He loves bath time!


Em said...

Hannah, he is absolutely adorable! I can't wait til we can actually sit down and spend some time together. And I promise, one of these days I'm gonna get you your baby gift...!!! Love you guys. Love, Em

Hannah said...

Oh my goodness, Hannah. Eli is so amazingly perfect. What a gorgeous son you and Scott have. Warm fuzzies. :)