Thursday, December 4, 2008

what makes it perfect

I am not writing this to get any symphathy, so nobody needs to feel bad, ok?

This year had been an especially rough one though. In our efforts to create the "perfect" little life, we have had more difficult things happen. At the end of last year Scott lost his job so we moved in February. I am grateful, because we do love Fort Worth and our life here, but moving (again) was hard. Then we lost a baby in August....and's a no go on the house. I know this year has been tough for a lot of people with the economy and people loosing their homes and jobs. I feel very blessed to have a roof over our heads, even if it means staying in the house we live in. I know that there are so many better things out there. I feel like I am always having to learn life the hard way though.

All of this just gets me thinking. In my head I think that life is a progression of having the perfect job, getting married, buying and house and starting a family. Why is it exactly, that I think it HAS to be this way? I am definitely limiting myself. Ok, I am going to stop this crazy venting blog, but I just had to write it out.

2009, watch out for the Reasoners!!!


Hannah said...

I love you, Hache! 2009 is on the horizon. ((((HUGS))))

Em said...

Hannah, you and Scott are such troopers! You are doing a great job of chugging through life and I know God has many years of happiness in store for you! And yes, 2009 will be a GREAT year! Love you guys!