Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving in Kansas

I headed out of town on Tuesday night. Scott's team was playing in Moore, OK against Hillsdale Baptist. I was hoping to catch the game, but seeing as how it took me over an hour to get out of Fort Worth because of traffic, I didn't' make it. I met up with my college friend, JoAnne, and stayed overnight with her in Norman. We stayed up late visiting and then woke up early to visit some more before I hit the road. It is fun to catch up about old times and things that are going on in our lives since we were college roommates nine years ago.

I woke up with a bit of a throat tickle and it progressively got worse as the weekend came. I am still fighting a bit of a runny nose and had to cancel two clients today which I hated to do. I didn't think they would enjoy sniffles during their relaxing massgage let alone being exposed to what I have. I was not the only one sister and Daniel and Joely were sick as well. Thankfully we could relax most of the time in Kansas. No Black Friday shopping for us. Heidi and I knitted and watched movies. Unfortunately, sweet baby Joely girl had a rough go at it on Friday and Saturday nights and didn't get a lot of sleep. My poor sis was exhausted. It is so hard to have a sick kid. I hope they are feeling better today.

I headed back yesterday afternoon. I left at 1:00 and got home close to 9:00. I only made two stops, but the traffic was crazy. The line for the toll south of Wichita was two miles long. OKC held me up as well. I was in 5 mph traffic for well over 30 minutes. But, I made it safe and sound. My hubby did well on his own while I was gone. My house was not a disaster and in fact it was better than how I left it!

So, we lined up to take a "Holthus" kid picture and look who snuck into the bottom right! Growing up we used to always take a picture in the spot. I think it started when Henry was about Andrew's age and there was only three of us.

Yes, we do claim this crazy bunch of guys. Andrew says it easier to wrestle with is shirt off....hmmm.

Andre turns three in a few days so we had a "breakfast party" for him before we all took of on Sunday. See his fingers. He got a soccer ball, a puzzle, race cars, stickers and Thomas books. He definitely hit the Jackpot!

Jacob and Andrew are wrestling with Drake.
Andrew: "Dad, come and play with Drake, he is such a good dog."

Poor baby girl was sick and fell asleep on Daddy while he made chili for us for supper on night. We had a feast of chili and turkey noodle soup.

Andrew: "Hannah, come and see what my dad killed while he was hunting."
Hannah: "Ew"
Andrew: "It's not gross!"
Oh the hunting stories this kid can tell. He will have fun with his dad later on when he is big enough to get out there. He already tells the most outrageous hunting stories like he was actually there. In his story, he has a four wheeler and they hunt in the forest. They load the deer and turkey up on the end of it to take them home and eat them. This was the last hunting day with one rabbit and two pheasants. We had duck poppers one night for dinner after a day of duck hunting. My first taste of duck, not too bad. They had a couple that got eaten by Drake before they made it home safely. Drake apparently likes to eat their heads off. Now that is really gross!

Papa with his two grandkids....just chillin'.


Jolyn said...

Oh, Hannah, what a wonderful post and all those photos. Thank you so much for posting and sharing those. Makes me homesick to see everyone and to meet Joely finally.
You have a right attitude about the house, but of course you want to reap the reward of all that work! Why do lessons have to be so hard to learn sometimes?

racheljenae said...

that second to last one is pretty funny... you can tell he really thinks those dead things are soooo cool. Oh Joely you are our only hope :)