Wednesday, September 10, 2008

a glimpse of the past

I like blogging because it keeps me in touch with those that I am unable to see often and those that I haven't seen in years.

The last time I saw Hannah M. was January 2006! Too long ago. She recently started a blog of her own and it has brought back so many I sit here and chuckle so many memories are coming to mind. In high school we took the same math class together...and struggled through. Our classmates called us Hannah
2 (or H squared) because we were pretty much inseparable. I first met Hannah sitting in the counselors office my sophomore year in high school. I think we were getting our schedules reviewed and since we were both Hannah H's, we ended up in there at the same time. We hit it off right away. Some things I remember are having potato soup at my house very often during the school year, of course our math class, and theT-shirts we made at the end of the year that said "H2 barely passed 7th hour math". I was so glad to have a friend in high school like her because when it came down to our mom's getting pregnant at the same time, no one understood me more than she did. At 17, it wasn't the most "cool" thing to have a pregnant mom. I am reminded of this as she recently blogged about her little brother's 10th birthday.

As the years have gone by, we don't stay in touch as often as we should or would like to. Mostly because she is in Kansas and I live in Texas probably. I suppose that is why it is hard to keep up with most people in high school, you just go your separate directions. She and her Scott (yes she married a Scott too) have moved a little faster in the kid department than we have. But she has three of the most adorable girls ever! Check out her blog for some great stories and beautiful pics of her precious family.

And, in tribute to our brothers turning 10 this year, I will share some pictures. Both of these 10 year olds have been uncles for a few years now, crazy, I kno
w. I miss you Hannah! Hope to see you soon.

This is Hannah M.'s brother with two of his nieces! So cute.

And, of course this is my little brother with my sister's new baby girl. Cute as well!


JoAnne said...

What do they feed you kids in Kansas that gives you such pretty blonde hair!?

Hannah said...

Hannah, I love you! Thank you so much for posting so many fun memories of our days together in high school. :) You are such a wonderful woman and while I miss our high school days, I am so happy to be back in touch with you. You're STILL a wonderful friend! (Wish we lived about 5 hours closer, though!) You made my day. Thank you, thank you!