Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas! and Baby R - 15 weeks

Scott can't get home from work soon enough. I am ready to hit I-35! The cooler is packed with enough snacks to last hours. Thank goodness it is only a six and a half hour drive. Although, my bladder may prove to make it a longer trip this time.

Baby R is doing well. I am 15 weeks now. I have been slacking on the blog updates. Last week I finally was relieved of the 24/7 nausea. I get little waves here and there, but all in all, I am feeling GREAT....and just in time for Christmas so I can enjoy family time. Baby R is about the size of an apple this week - 4 inches long. I have a mini bump, but nothing to rant and rave over. It mostly just looks like pudge. A few more weeks, and I am sure I will have some nice belly shots.

I look forward to having some lovely photos and fun stories to share from Christmas! I feel that I need to take one day at a time and enjoy each moment of being there because I know it will go by very quickly.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

HP TouchSmart Giveaway

Way too cool! Click here to enter the contest to win the HP TouchSmart.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

"Super Cousin" and Baby R - 12 Weeks

Last night Heidi told me the cutest story.

Jacob and Andrew were wrestling....no big surprise. Jacob said "you can call me 'Super Dad'!" Andrew replied, "you can call me 'Super Cousin'!"


I didn't know he was so excited about being a cousin. He keeps asking Heidi if I have had the baby yet. Funny how kids have no perception of time.

Heidi has been putting Joely (almost 16 months) on the phone when we visit. She says "hi Hannah", "hi Scott", "I love you", and all sorts of other very adorable lines. Makes me so ready for Christmas so I can squeeze those kids and give them loots of kisses!

Because of the continued bleeding, I had another sonogram to ensure everything is okay in there. Placenta and cervix look great. Baby and fluid look great. Unable to pinpoint source of bleeding. But, I did get reprimanded by the midwives for house cleaning over the weekend. I guess vacuuming and cleaning tubs is not in the pregnancy protocol if you have ongoing issues. Ok, ok, now I know.

Scott is convinced the baby looks just like him! Ok, I guess I can kind of see that...but considering this little tot is only about the size of a lime, I am not gonna hold my breath that the features won't change slightly. It was so neat to see the tiny arms and legs floating around. One photo looks like Baby R is sucking a thumb.

I am thankful to get this sonogram. It confirms to me that things are great in there and baby is not experiencing the same things that mommy is right now. Baby was moving a lot during the sono. (I had given her/him a heads up to try and dodge the ultra sound waves. Already obeying me, good Baby R!)